After you read and annotate Vicki Hearne’s persuasive essay “What’s Wrong with Animal Rights?” choose one aspect represented in the “Quick Guide to Analyzing Persuasive Speeches” (Tone/Voice; Thesis and overall structure; universalities; research; orsolutions to the problem at hand) and briefly write an analytical response to the writing, much like you would do for a standard response quiz.

After you read and annotate Vicki Hearne’s persuasive essay “What’s Wrong with Animal Rights?” choose one aspect represented in the “Quick Guide to Analyzing Persuasive Speeches” (Tone/Voice; Thesis and overall structure; universalities; research; orsolutions to the problem at hand) and briefly write an analytical response to the writing, much like you would do for a standard response quiz. Be sure to include actual direct quote passages from the essay to substantiate the examples. If applicable, compare/contrast this essay with the essay “The Rights of Animals” by Brigid Brophy. Keep in mind that you are writing this as part of a class discussion

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