rite on the following topic:
Topic 1:
Compare Augustine’s evaluation of his own conduct with that offered by Socrates in the Apology and the complete lack of self-criticism or evaluation by Achilles in The Iliad (except in Book XXIV). How are these characters alike and different in the appraisal of their own behavior? What accounts for these differences?
Your response should be at least 500 words in length
Use MLA format for any quotations or citations that you use to support your answer
The Making of the West
Chapter 6:
The Creation of the Roman Empire 44 BCE–284 CE – This chapter follows Rome’s development from the Roman Civil War to the stability of daily life in Rome following Augustus’ peace through transformation of the Roman government.
Chapter 7:
The Transformation of the Roman Empire 284–600 CE – We will read about competing religious beliefs – traditional Roman polytheism and Christianity – and how the competition added to the instability of the Rome. We will also consider how the immigration of barbarian tribes transformed Rome’s politics, society, and economy.
The Norton Anthology of Western Literature, Vol. 1
Augustine, Confessions – Considered the first Western autobiography, Confessions explores Saint Augustine’s sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity.

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