Based on The Art of Chinese Poetry by James J. Y. Liu and Tradition and the Individual Talent by T. S. Eliot, analyze and compare poetic characteristics and artistic merits of classical and modern Chinese poetry with regard to exploration of poetic world and use of languages, such as theme, verse form, imagery, symbolism, and allusion. Focus on Li Shangyins Embroidered Zither and the three poems of mine echoing Lis original poem as examples and comment on the challenge of tradition and modernity for modern Chinese poets in the 20th century.

Based on The Art of Chinese Poetry by James J. Y. Liu and Tradition and the Individual Talent by T. S. Eliot, analyze and compare poetic characteristics and artistic merits of classical and modern Chinese poetry with regard to exploration of poetic world and use of languages, such as theme, verse form, imagery, symbolism, and allusion. Focus on Li Shangyins Embroidered Zither and the three poems of mine echoing Lis original poem as examples and comment on the challenge of tradition and modernity for modern Chinese poets in the 20th century.

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