Based on your own ideas and experience and with reference to the readings, discuss the challenges hyphenated Canadians face in the workplace.

This Documented Research Essay Assignment is designed to refine and assess your writing, research and documentation skills.
Assignment Learning Outcomes:- Apply research techniques and critical understanding of readings
– Review and apply documentation skills (APA format)
– Compose, revise and edit personal essay
– Apply essay and sentence structure to your own work Assignment:Assigned readings from the Maple Collection Reader:1. Finding a Nationality That Fits by Isabel Vincent, p.145 (MC)
2. Jan Wong Wants to See Canadians De-Hyphenate Themselves by Jan Wong, p.149 (MC)
3. An Immigrants Split Personality by Sun-Kyung Yi, p.153 (MC)Choose one of the following topics to write an academic, research essay. Do not summarize the readings. Refer to the readings to support your own ideas. 2. Based on your own ideas and experience and with reference to the readings, discuss reasons why hyphenated Canadians should de-hyphenate themselves.3. Based on your own ideas and experience and with reference to the readings, discuss issues faced by children growing up with two cultures.
Keep in mind that a research essay requires extensive evidence to support a thesis. One of the keys to supporting an effective paper is to gather information so that you can present a strong argument on the subject. Before going to the Library or Resource Centre to gather information you need to know what you are going to write about. You need a focus to find relevant sources. If you are not sure where to start, do some preliminary research to get a sense of context to the topic. Find some background information. This research is secondary source material. Do NOT copy from what you find; instead use a quote, summary or paraphrase for any information or ideas you want to put into your own essay.To make sure you have not plagiarized, cite each of your sources accurately. You must integrate all quotations and references into the body of your essay making sure to include the following:1. One short direct quotation with proper context
2. One long direct quotation with proper context
3. One indirect quotation (i.e. summary or paraphrase) with proper context
Your documented essay should be written in the pattern of development that is appropriate, and should be approximately 800 words in length.

Document your research and citations according to APA. Do not attempt to complete this assignment without referring to the guidelines for APA in the handout and in Essay Essentials. It must not be plagiarized: You will be given a grade of zero if you submit unacknowledged material as your own. There will be no opportunity to rewrite.
You must submit your essay electronically into the COMM171 e-Centennial course dropbox, and submit a hard copy on the due date.
Your documented research essay MUST be word-processed and include the following:
A. Title Page: Prepare a title page with appropriate information in APA format
B. This essay must have a stated thesis, fully developed paragraphs and use APA documentation correctly; you must integrate all quotations and references into the body of your essay remembering to include:
1. One short direct quotation with proper context
2. One long direct quotation with proper context
3. One indirect quotation (i.e. summary or paraphrase) with proper context
C. References: The sources used in your writing your documented essay must be correctly listed on the last page of your essay; your References list must include the following:
1. The essay chosen from Essay Essentials
2. The sources for the researched background material

COMM171 Outline/Research Essay (5%) Name_______________________________________
Introduction (possible ideas)
Thesis Statement
Main supporting point 1.
a ___________________________________________________________________________
b ___________________________________________________________________________
c ___________________________________________________________________________
Main supporting point 2.
a ___________________________________________________________________________
b ___________________________________________________________________________
c ___________________________________________________________________________
Main supporting point 3.
a ___________________________________________________________________________
b ___________________________________________________________________________
c ___________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion ___________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________ Take Home Documented Essay Assignment Checklist
The following checklist will help guide you in your revision.1
academic sentence structure, style and tone 2
academic outline 3
Introductory strategy 4
3 point parallel thesis (appropriate points) 5
topic sentences refer directly to the thesis 6
transitions at the beginning and throughout body paragraphs 7
appropriate paragraph content and length 8
well- developed body paragraphs 9
appropriate reference to assigned readings 10
conclusion includes re-statement of thesis
Part 2 Take-home APA documented essay with outline Guidelines:
1. Working with your in-class essay (initialed by your professor), edit and revise your essay structure and sentences.2. Revise/create an academic outline for your essay.3. Integrate references to the readings in APA parenthetical style (minimum of 4 references).4. Revise your essay into proper APA style including an APA title page, proper spacing, parenthetical references and a reference page. (Your reference page must include at least 4 sources).5. Submit your essay to Turn-it-in and then the course Assignment Folder. Present a hard copy of your final version of the documented essay in class.

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