Choose a topic that highlights how inequality functions in our society through for-profit systems as the prison system or food production (including fast food restaurants that cater to the poor), or through the lack of opportunities for well-paid labor if you live in a poorer neighborhood.

You MUST READ THE RESEARCH PAPER TOPIC COMPLETELY. This topic REQUIRES TWO ASSIGNED TEXTS (TWO READINGS OR 1 Reading + 1 FILM) FROM THIS COURSE as the FOCUS OF THE PAPER. You MUST DISCUSS the assigned texts as the paper’s focus and use the research AS SUPPORT to backup your ideas about the HOW THE ASSIGNED TEXTS CONNECT TO A CONCEPT FROM THE TOPIC.Do NOT put the “cart in front of the horse.” Make the TWO course-assigned texts the focus of this research paper! Write a 1500+ word paper on ONE of the choices below. Quotations and Works Cited page do NOT apply to word count.Total number of assigned readings from class listed BELOW: 2Total number of quotations: 5 or more (at least one from EACH assigned course materials you choose and three from your 3 outside research sources)Total outside research sources on your Works Cited: 3Total outside research quotations: 1 from EACH source listedTotal number of quotations from assigned materials below that you chose: 1 from each of the TWO assigned materials (you may include additional quotes if needed)Choose ONE TOPIC and ONE ISSUE (such as prison OR labor OR:#1–Use 2 assigned readings below to discuss an issue involving capitalism and/or the state and how inequality is supported by our institutions. You may discuss how class and race often work against people in need (disenfranchised groups in society). DISCUSS ONE ISSUE ONLY in your paper, such as FOOD OR PRISON OR LABOR but NOT more than ONE.If you need to, do an analysis of capitalism according to the reading by Karl Marx and do some internet research. Use at least 1 quotation from EACH of the assigned articles plus 3 quotations from 3 outside research sources.
Write a detailed, critical essay on one or two main ideas in the readings and/or films. Be sure to include a critical analysis of the article and do a little research on any unfamiliar concepts. Your essay must refer specifically to the readings and/or films and include at least 2 quotations each, and THREE quotations from outside sources. These sources MUST be documented in MLA format! Your essay MUST focus on the assigned materials, using research as support ONLY. You MUST include a Works Cited page with your paper in proper MLA format to receive a passing grade! See course website links for help with MLA formatting.
Choose TWO articles below: Read The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (with Definitions), pp91-101 Read The Chinago by Jack LondonRead, “Address to the Prisoners in the Cook County Jail by Clarence Darrow, pp47-54Read from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, pp89-93

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