Conduct a critique of the following service marketing management ideas, theories and techniques, specifically with reference to purpose, application and limitations and with regard to how these service management ideas, theories and t

Conduct a critique of the following service marketing management ideas, theories and techniques, specifically with reference to purpose, application and limitations and with regard to how these service management ideas, theories and techniques might contribute to the success of a service organisation: Service concept Understanding customer types The gaps model – Customer expectations and perceptions Your assignment must be your original work (please talk to me if you have any doubts about what this means) have all relevant information on the front page (name, student number, module name and number, assignment title, due date, word count) be close to 2000 words (within 10%) not including the bibliography have proper references, preferably in the Harvard style be written in formal English although there are no specific marks allocated for grammar, punctuation and spelling, overall impression is important and can affect marks awarded. Concise and cogent arguments are encouraged. Incoherent sections may not be awarded any marks. The assignment will be marked according to the following main criteria: ? the extent to which service management ideas, theories and techniques are well argued specifically in terms of purpose, application, potential limitation and how they might contribute to the development of a business ? the use of appropriate sources of information (e.g. reputable business journals, research reports and academic journals) ? the degree to which the information put forward in the critique is synthesised, critically evaluated and analysed ? the degree to which appropriate conclusions are derived from a critical evaluation of the main issues raised Other considerations include: ? clarity and structure of the arguments ? overall presentation, including spelling, grammar and punctuation.

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