Conduct an assessment of the health care environment where you work (i.e. health department, long-term care facility, specialty clinic, inpatient hospital, etc).

Specifically, examine potential barriers that may exist for a member of a minority group that has a significant presence in your community (i.e. Native American, Cubans, Hmong). Using the criteria below (and explained in greater detail on pages 39 and 40), assess the potential organizational barriers to care in your work environment. Explore ways to decrease barriers to health care for this minority group so that your organization can strive for cultural competency. Tittle Subtitle Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Availability Fort Campbell Preventive Services is open to patients, retirees and dependents from 0800 to 1600 except for Holidays. Accessibility it is accessible to DOD ID card holders through a secure gate. On post patients have transit transportation avaliable Affordability Tricare Prime dependants and active duty is free no copay, retirees have a co pay and Tricare Standard dependents Appropriateness within Preventative Medicine maternal is seen in the Epidemiology clinic, children only for travel medicine clinic. Adolescent based clinic Accountability staff is accountable for their licensure but courses, conferences and CMEs are avaliable to staff for free Adaptability the Preventive Services is adolescent based clinic not much adaptability for maternal child Acceptability yes education pamphlets can be obtained and given in other languages, Language Line … The Patient Accoutability Branch provides the following services to patients. Awareness yes through relay for health, my base guide, army community services Attitudes The Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) system is an on-line comment card system which allows customers to provide immediate and direct feedback about programs and services assist patients. No the military prividers do not have attitudes Approachability All DOD beneficaries are made welcome within the military treatment facilities Alternative practices the standard of care is given, however within preventive services only certain treatments are avaliable but a referal can be given back to their primary provider and practitioners Additional services non adolescent are not seen within Preventive medicine clinic unless its a travel medicine appointment. All subtopics must be in APA format additional references used After completing this module, students should have the knowledge and skills to: Differentiate among bedrock concepts and terminology associated with cultural diversity and cultural competence.Analyze the impact world diversity and migration have on the delivery of high-quality health care services and the need for culturally competent health care.Apply cognitive and emotional processes to promote self-knowledge and understanding of one’s own attitudes and beliefs about cultural diversity. Investigate how culture impacts individual preferences regarding the most effective approaches to health care.Apply evidence-based standards to assess individual and organizational cultural competenceExplore ethical issues related to cultural diversity. Readings: Purnell, L., & Paulanka, B. (2013). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach (4th ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. (Chapters 1, 3, 4, and 5 ) Chapter 1: Transcultural Diversity and HealthcareChapter 3: Individual Competence and Evidence-based PracticeChapter 4: Organizational Cultural CompetenceChapter 5: Perspectives on Nursing in a Global Context

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