Consider for a while the idea of “the literary canon.” The word “canon” once signified the list of books in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament that were officially recognized by the Christian Church as Holy Scripture. The Bible, after all, did not fall from the sky: out of many religious texts–accounts of Jesus’ life and so forth–somebody, in this case early Church fathers, had to decide which texts were good enough, authoritative enough, to be part of the Holy Bible.

Consider for a while the idea of “the literary canon.” The word “canon” once signified the list of books in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament that were officially recognized by the Christian Church as Holy Scripture. The Bible, after all, did not fall from the sky: out of many religious texts–accounts of Jesus’ life and so forth–somebody, in this case early Church fathers, had to decide which texts were good enough, authoritative enough, to be part of the Holy Bible.

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