Explain appropriate adaptations that your selected firm could undertake in response to the external business environmental forces

Please read the instructions carefully before engaging in writing this essay!Write a reflective essay titled: Apparel Retailers Industry analysis and possible adaptations. (between 3000-3300 words)
This item of assessment covers the following learning outcomes. For the full list of learning outcomes for the module, please refer to the Module Study Guide.
Identify and analyse the macro- and micro-environmental influences that affect business organisations today.
Reflect upon theory on how the forces in the macro environment shape business performance
Identify and evaluate strategic tools in the analysis of the internal business environment.
Communicate central ideas effectively.
Self-management and self-reflection.
Part 1 (1000 words)
a. Use the Porters 5 Forces model to identify and analyse the current environmental influences on the Apparel Retailers subsector within the UK economy.
1. Identification of appropriate macro-environmental influences Apparel Retailers subsector industry in UK. [30% (300 words), of the total number of words for Part 1]
2. Analysis of the micro-environmental factors using porter’s 5 forces analysis of Apparel Retailers subsector industry in UK. [70% (700 words) of the total number of words for Part 1]
This first part must have about a thousand words and refer strictly to the Apparel Retailers subsector within the UK economy.
Using graphic representations representative of this theme is a plus to the essay note.
Please use Correct use of Harvard referencing and suitable essay structure (they are not counted at the one thousand words).
Please use the references I sent below in this brief.
Because this essay needs to be as current as possible, do not use references older than 2014 unless they are very relevant to the topic.Part 2 (1000 words)
b. Use the Value Chain model to analyse the internal business environment of a firm in the Apparel Retailers subsector within the UK.

We need to talk about in particular a company in this area that is or is operating in the UK3. Analysis of the internal business environment of a selected firm. [70% (700 words), of the total number of words for Part 2] 4. Explanation of appropriate adaptations of selection firm. [30% (300 words), of the total number of words for Part 2]This second part should have about a thousand words and refer strictly to a company that is doing business in the Apparel Retailers subsector in the UK economy.
Using graphic representations representative of this theme is a plus to the essay note.
Please use Correct use of Harvard referencing and suitable essay structure (they are not counted at the one thousand words).
Please use the references I sent below in this brief
Because this essay needs to be as current as possible, do not use references older than 2014 unless they are very relevant to the topic. The newer they are, the more beneficial they are.Part 3 (750 words)
d. Based on the task a above, reflect on the usefulness of the Porters 5 Forces model in understanding the business environment and describe its potential limitations.
5. Reflection on the usefulness of an academic model.
Please use the references I sent below in this brief
Because this essay needs to be as current as possible, do not use references older than 2014 unless they are very relevant to the topic. The newer they are, the more beneficial they are.Assessment guidance
Use the definitions of Industry, Sector and Subsector from FTSE Russells (2017) Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB). This can be accessed from the PDF document titled Industry Classification Benchmark v2.3, available from https://tinyurl.com/yc4m464v.
The reflective essay should be presented as an academic essay with the following sections:
o Cover page
o Introduction
o Body with relevant sections/paragraphs
o Conclusion
o References
Present each point of the task (a, b, c and d) with clear section-headings for each.
Present your understanding using clear and coherent arguments in the body of your essay with relevant illustrations of statistics.
Your arguments, explanations and illustrations must be clearly supported by appropriate, academically credible references and examples following the Harvard referencing style.The names of the lessons (week1 to 10) and books that must be considered at this work. Worthington, I. & Britton, C., 2015. The Business Environment. 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Core text:
Worthington, I. & Britton, C., 2015. The Business Environment. 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
If you can open the attachment below
This is to understand what I did at the lessons. This essay must reflect what we did in these lessons.
You also need to use references from the following books:
Capon, C. 2009. Understanding the Business Environment. 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Sloman, J. & Jones, E., 2017. Essential Economics for Business. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Management; An Introduction, David Boddy, 7th Edition, Pearsons
Combe, C (2014) Introduction to management, Oxford, Oxford Universtiy Press
if they can use the topic being discussed. You can also use UK prestigious journals and newspapers, articles as references. Any other academic source related to the UK apparel industry.
Some recommended websites:
BBC Business News (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Bloomberg (https://www.bloomberg.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
British Retail Consortium (https://brc.org.uk/news/2017/a-letter-to-the-chancellor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Economist (https://www.economist.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Financial Times (https://www.ft.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
FTSE Russell (http://www.ftserussell.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Henry Stewart Talks (https://hstalks.com/business/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Keynote (https://www.keynote.co.uk/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
London Stock Exchange statistics (http://www.londonstockexchange.com/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (http://www.oecd.org/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
Office for National Statistics (https://www.ons.gov.uk/businessindustryandtrade (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)
World Bank Open Data (https://data.worldbank.org/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Competition & Market Authority (CMA) reports (Links to an external site.)
Marketline Report (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(via CMI)
Marketline Report (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(via CMI)
ONS – UK trade with other countries, 2018 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
British Independent Retailers Association (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (bira).
Let’s Make it here (letsmakeithere.org) (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.
UK Fashion & Textile Association (UKFT) (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (a lobbying organisation).
FashionUnited (UK) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (statistics)Word Limits
All written assignments include clear guidance on the maximum amount that should be written in order to address the requirements of the assessment task (a word limit).
If the submission exceeds the word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the item of assessment.
Abstracts, reference lists, and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.
Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment task have been met. Generally speaking, submissions under the word limit fall short of the requirements of the assessment task.

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