Identify the normal developmental issues faced by this population including a summary of the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional behaviors.

Write a paper detailing an intervention for the population that your specialty serves (e.g., school counselingkindergarten aged children; vocational rehabilitationadult MR clients in a sheltered workshop; student affairsfreshmen living in residence halls; community counselingadults in group home for the chronically mentally ill). You will also include theory, lifespan issues, developmental issues, crisis, trauma, pathology environmental situations, and other issues related to the population described in the paper in this paper: CACREP Section.II.G.3.a.b.h. Alabama State Department of Education School Psychometry 290-3-3-.51 (2) (a) 1 Identify and describe in detail a particular intervention based on developmental and specialty literature (e.g., workshop for parents of kindergarten aged children, behavioral contracts for adult rehabilitation clients in a sheltered workshop; structured group for freshmen living in residence halls; daily living skills workshop for adults in group home for chronically mentally ill). Be sure to identify whether the intervention targets groups such as a seminar, workshop, or targets individuals such as individual behavior contracts. Also specify the amount of time your intervention will take (e.g., one three hour presentation, six weeks for 1 hours per week, three months of meeting one on one for an hour per week, etc.) Make sure that you accurately cite at least 3 other professional sources other than your text. CACREP Section C.II.G.3.e.f.g., Alabama State Department of Education School Psychometry 290-3-3-.51 (2) (a) 1 Identify and describe in detail the necessary individual, couple, group and family interventions and cultural considerations, given a crisis, disaster or other- trauma causing event. CACREP C.II.G.3.c.d. Alabama State Department of Education School Psychometry 290-3-3-.51 (2) (a) 1 Include the following in the paper with additional reference citations: (CACREP Section C.II.G.3 a-e). Alabama State Department of Education School Psychometry 290-3-3-.51 (2) (a) 1 Theories of individual and family development and transitions across the lifespan impact on population writing about in paper. Theories of learning and personality development including current understandings about neurobiological behavior – matching population written about in paper. Theories and models of individual, cultural, couple, family and community resilience related to population. Effects of crisis, disasters, and other trauma-causing events on the population you are writing about.

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