Musculoskeletal Case Study
Read it carefully, make sure you understand all the medical terms used, and then answer the questions that follow. Please upload the answers as a Microsoft Word file.
Handout Instructions: Below is a case study of a patient who was in a motorcycle accident. Read the case study and answer the questions. Some questions ask for information not included within this lesson. Use your text, a medical dictionary, or any other reference material you choose to answer these questions.
Jamie Michaels was thrown from his motorcycle on a patch of gravel and was brought to the ER by paramedics. On examination, his right femur appeared to be fractured. X-ray studies confirmed an oblique, compound fracture which fortunately did not injure the femoral artery. However, there is a possibility of soft tissue damage in the area of the fracture. After routine blood work results showed that Mr. Michaels could tolerate surgery, he was taken to surgery for an open reduction. The fracture was secured with a plate and screws. A myorrhaphy was also necessary. The patient was taken to the recovery room in good condition.
Case Study Questions1. The femur is also known as the __________ bone.2. The term oblique means __________. 3. Another name for compound, as in compound fracture, is __________. 4. Open reduction for a fracture uses __________ to align the ends of the bone. 5. Because muscle tissue was damaged, a myorrhaphy, or __________, was doneOn the Job Challenge Exercise
On the job, you will have to talk with patients and explain medical words to them. Give the meanings of these phrases
1. Closed Fracture _________________________
2. Closed reduction of a fracture__________________________
3. Green Stick Fracture____________________________
4. Spiral Fracture_____________________________
5. Hairline Fracture_____________________________
6. Kyphosis________________________________
7. Scoliosis___________________________________
8. Rheumatoid Arthritis__________________________
9. Rheumatoid Factor___________________________
10. Osteoarthritis _________________________________2. Urinary System Case Study
Handout Instructions: Below is a case study presentation of a patient with a urinary condition. Read the case study and answer the questions. Some questions ask for information not included within this lesson. Use your text, a medical dictionary, or any other reference material you choose to answer these questions. Urinary System Infection Case Study
A 32-year-old female is seen in the urologist’s office because of a fever, chills, and generalized fatigue. She also reported urgency, frequency, dysuria, and hematuria. In addition, she noticed that her urine was cloudy with a fishy odor. The physician ordered the following tests: a clean catch specimen for a U/A, a urine C&S, and a KUB. The U/A revealed pyuria, bacteria, and a slightly acidic pH. Escherichia coli was grown in the culture. X-rays revealed acute pyelonephritis resulting from cystitis which has spread up to the kidney from the bladder. The patient was placed on an antibiotic and encouraged to “push fluids” by drinking 2L of water a day
1. This patient has two urinary system infections in different locations; name them. Which one caused the other and how? Look these conditions up in a reference source and include a short description of each.
2. Describe them in your own words.4. Explain the results of each diagnostic test in your own words.5. Where is E. coli normally found in the body?6. Describe the normal appearance of urine.
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