Islamic reform movement (or Islamist movement) and is as such both a product of Salafi thought and also a reaction against it (Clarify this point please).

-Include in the order, works by Islamic Feminists such as Zaynab Al-Ghazzali, With Salafi/Wahhabi (Use your source)
And Amina Wadud Against Salafi/Wahhabi (Use your source)-Islamic Feminism is part and parcel of the
-Use this Source as one of the sources (Must Use):Link:
-Another source will be attached (Must Use)
-And the rest of the sources you have to provide them by yourself.
-APA style, put page/s number/s in the in-text citation e.g. (Thompson, 2012, p. 15).
-You can use more sources if you need and write more pages (Ill pay if needed).
-Times New Roman, Font: 12, Double space.

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