The Romanesque Art and Architecture piece, the tympanum of the west portal of the cathedral of Saint-Lazare, the Last Judgment

select a method of interpretation, research the work of art, write a research paper. The paper must be 5 pages, typed (no larger than 12-point font and 1 margins), and double spaced. Chicago Style is the required for citations and the bibliography (7 sources minimum/your textbook and Oxford Art Online count as sources). You must use scholarly materials available in the library for your research paper. Blogs, Wikipedia and websites are not scholarly and are not acceptable forms of research. Please be sure to review the rubric for the research paper. Research Paper Rubric Research Paper Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome length length 50.0 pts 5 pages or more 45.0 pts 4.75 pages 40.0 pts 4.5 pages 35.0 pts 4 pages and less 50.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome citations 50.0 pts Chicago Style bibliography and footnotes (higher points for accuracy) 40.0 pts Chicago Style bibliography and footnotes (higher points for accuracy) 30.0 pts Chicago Style bibliography and no footnotes (higher points for accuracy) 20.0 pts another style 50.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome research 50.0 pts 5-7 sources; 1 primary source (higher points for quality scholarship) 40.0 pts 5 sources (higher points for quality scholarship) 30.0 pts 4 sources (higher points for quality scholarship) 20.0 pts 3 sources (higher points for quality scholarship) 50.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome thesis 100.0 pts proves thesis through facts and your own original theories 85.0 pts proves thesis through facts and theories of other experts 75.0 pts argues thesis through theories of other experts 65.0 pts argues thesis through personal opinion 100.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome method of interpretation 50.0 pts uses a method of interpretation consistently throughout paper 40.0 pts uses a method of interpretation in most of the paper 30.0 pts uses a method of interpretation in a few parts of the paper 20.0 pts selects a method of interpretation and rarely uses it in a paper 50.0 pts Total Points: 300.0

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